The Centre for Legal Innovation (CLI) today announced that Kim Trajer, Chief Operating Officer, McCullough Robertson has joined its Advisory Board. Kim replaces long-time Board member Genevieve Collins who retired from the Board at the end of last year.
“Genevieve was a wonderful member of an exceptional Board – we are indebted and grateful to her – she will be missed,” said Terri Mottershead, Executive Director, CLI.
“We are fortunate and absolutely delighted to welcome Kim to the Board. Kim has been a long time contributor and huge supporter of our work, as has her firm – we can’t wait to learn from her and add her significant skills in legal practice transformation to the Board.”
Commenting on her appointment, Kim Trajer added “CLI and its collaborative community have been such a fantastic resource and support throughout our firm’s innovation journey. I am excited and honoured to join the CLI Advisory Board, and to work more closely with and learn from this amazing group of generous industry leaders.”
CLI is an innovation and tech/AI-focused think tank established by the College of Law in 2016 to support legal professionals navigating the disruption transforming the industry.
The 15 member Advisory Board includes pre-eminent local and international innovators and legalprenuers with experience in different aspects of the business and practice of law.
The Board has representatives working in law firms, in-house in legal departments, law schools, legal consultancies and legal start-ups from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the USA.
The Board provides guidance and advice on all aspects of the Centre’s work, including the development of innovation and tech/AI focussed courses and determining topics for CLI’s future roundtables, summits, events, labs, incubators, workshops and research papers.