Episode 155: Start Up to Scale Up – What’s different and why?
In this podcast, in the second episode of eight in the CLI’s Women Legal Business Founders and Leaders Series offered through our Legalpreneurs Lab, Women Legalpreneurs Special Interest Group, Courtney Blackman, Head of Partnerships, Lander & Rogers, facilitated a discussion about the journey from Start Up to Scale Up with three outstanding women founders and leaders from Australia:
- Riz Amin, CEO, Foundd Legal
- Renee Coman, Mergers and Acquisitions Relationship Manager, Jonas Software
- Kate McAlister, Lawyer & Co-Founder, Markster
Topics covered in this session included:
- The difference between a start up and scale up
- How to identify, read the signs, and make the business transformation from start up to scale up at the right time
- Determining, understanding, and prioritising your product market
- The importance of client relationships and client based business growth
- How to sustain a scaled business – what it takes, what to do, and what it looks like
- Developing, managing and choosing the right talent for a growing business – capabilities; FT/PT/casual; insourcing/outsourcing
- Funding options – bootstrap/client investment/external funding
- The role, challenges and opportunities of tech
- Helpful tools and resources for growing start ups
If you would prefer to watch rather than listen to this episode, you’ll find the video in our CLI-Collaborate (CLIC) free Resource Hub here.