Episode 201: Legal GenAI Around the World: Africa + Middle East

Episode 201: Legal GenAI Around the World: Africa + Middle East


This podcast was recorded on 22 July 2024 as the fifth session in CLI’s Legal GenAI Around the World Series.

In this session Terri Mottershead, Executive Director at the Centre for Legal Innovation facilitated a discussion with three amazing panellists from Africa and the Middle East:

Topics covered included:

  • An overview of legal AI in Africa and the Middle East
  • How, where and why GenAI is being used in legal businesses, what’s driving/limiting adoption, and the importance of metrics
  • The focus on education, capability development, and access to talent to deliver legal GenAI solutions
  • The changing role of tech providers and how that is impacting adoption and implementation
  • The focus on country/region wide AI strategy, regulations, standards and policies and how this is/is not/should not be influenced by global initiatives
  • What’s unique about the legal GenAI market in Africa + the Middle East

If you would prefer to watch rather than listen to this episode, you’ll find the video in our CLI-Collaborate (CLIC) free Resource Hub here.

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