On 20 August 2020, Terri Mottershead, Executive Director, Centre for Legal Innovation (Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific), facilitated a panel discussion that focussed on The Changing Face of Legal Innovation and Transformation – Who’s zooming who? in the Centre’s Reinvent Legal Business Series 2.
Topics discussed included:
- What innovation and transformation specialists do
- How to innovate no matter what your legal organisation looks like
- The differences and similarities between internal and external innovation
- How data and innovation are link together
- The impact of COVID-19 on innovation/transformation now and moving forward…
Terri was joined by an international panel of leaders and doers in this space from Australia and New Zealand.
- Caroline Ferguson, Business Transformation and Innovation Director, Simpson Grierson (New Zealand)
- Katrina Gowans, National Legal Transformation Lead, Origin (Australia)
- Caryn Sandler, Partner + Chief Knowledge and Information Officer, Gilbert + Tobin (Australia)
- Adrian Warren, Director, Plexus + KPMG NewLaw Partnership (Australia)
If you would prefer to listen rather than watch this session, we'll also be releasing this session as a podcast in our The Legalpreneurs Sandbox podcast series - there's a bunch of good stuff to listen to there right now too!
Don't forget to also check out and save the date for the other fabulous FREE Reinvent Legal Business Series 2 webinars - you'll find the details and registration links as we add them here.